Monday, August 25, 2014

Syawal 2014

25 August 2014 : 29 Syawal 1435H

Maka dengan ini berakhirlah sudah segala jemputan utk Majlis Open House untuk tahun ni. Pheuuww!

Lepas ni sure banyak jemputan utk Majlis Perkahwinan pula. Hmmm, rasanya jemputan kahwin sekarang ni memang memanjang ada. Kira mcm favorite event all the time la. Agak2 lps ni ada tak trend org kahwin hari Isnin? Mana lah tahu kan? Dulu kalau nak majlis kahwin kena tunggu cuti sekolah tapi sekarang cuti minggu pun boleh! So, tak mustahil kalau setahun dua lagi org buat on weekdays pulak. Silap2 boleh hilang syndrome 'Monday Blues' yg dah makin sebati dengan diri. Lol!

Maka, dengan rasminya kita tutup menu lemang rendang and buka menu nasi minyak. wink~.

KampungKu Awesome

Juadah Wajib Di Bulan Syawal

Bila bercakap ttg raya je, sure terbayang2 juadah raya yg tak dinafikan sgt lazat dan tak dpt disangkal jika ia turut menyumbang kpd penambahan berat badan dan selera makan. Senang cerita, kalau puasa 30 hari turun boleh turun 5kg, tapi dlm masa sehari raya je dh boleh naik 5kg dengan bergayanya. hahaha. Nampak tak betapa hebatnya penangan juada raya. Serius no jokes ok. Lepas tu budaya org KL pula memanjang jemputan open house, open office and open department selagi tak habis 30 Syawal selagi tu la wujudnya juadah2 raya. Oh my perut!

So, memandangkan Syawal pun hampir ke penghujungnya I think I should start my detox programme soon!!! Yes, very soooon! Bukan setakat detox programme je tapi diet programme pun kena start balik. To be honest kan tak sabar rasanya nk get rid all of the fats!!! Dah malas/penat/taubat dah rasanya nk jamu mata, jamu perut dgn makanan2 yg sinful delicious mcm ni. End of the day bila dh put on weight mulalah rasa tak best, rasa angin satu badan dan perlbagai jenis rasa lagi lah. Tambah2 bila dah ada plan menuju hari bahagia lagilah teRASA tekanannya disitu ye. Kekdahnya, sama2lah kita kembali ke pangkal jalan okeh. Shall we start now??? Wish me luck everyone!!!

Note: Oh ya, I'm done with the First Chapter of AFSNN, so I rasa dah sampai masanya utk continue buat for the Second Chapter. Oh wait! I haven't share yet on the First Chapter right?? Stay tuned for the next post.

Have a goood day everyone!


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ramadhan 2014


Syukur ke hadrat ilahi kerana sekali lagi Allah berikan peluang untuk menikmati Ramadhan pd kali ini. Begitu pantas masa berlalu. Harini genap sudah Ramadhan yg ke-26, another 3 days to go sebelum Ramadhan melabuhkan tirainya. *sobs*

Hmm, tak tahu kenapa Ramadhan kali ini seakan berbeza drpd yang sebelum2nya. Persiapan raya pun seadanya, tiada pembelian mahupun penempahan baju baru. Ya! Tiada!!! This is so not me sebab usually I'm the one yg always sibuk nk cari baju la, nak tempah awal la, pilih theme colour with mom etc. In fact, kain2 yg ada pun masih tersimpan rapi dalam almari. I don't know why, I just totally not in the moood. *sigh*

Untuk menjadikan perasaan malas ni balance and tak spoilkan my mood raya, I dah adjust tahap kerajinan utk lebih ke arah masakan. Alhamdulillah I managed utk masak juadah berbuka with mom and baking variety of kuih2 raya for this year. Another 3 types of cookies to go and I'm done!!! Wink! Last few years I dpt baking sikit je sb kesuntukkan masa. Mana taknya balik kerja dah lewat then  rushing nk berbuka & nak berterawih bagai. Balik terawih dh penat. Lepastu, dalam kepala hanya tahu nak tidur je, Lol! Jadi, kerja2 baking hanya dpt dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu or Ahad sahaja. Working hour for this year until pun 4pm je so mmg sempat sgtlah utk masak juadah berbuka and buat bancuhan kuih raya. Then usually lps habis terawih dah boleh bakar and usually dlm 2 -3 hours siap satu jenis. Gigih kan??? Yes I am! #Superwomen

Inilah antara kuih raya yang dah siap.

Peanut Butter Cookies with Butterscotch & Chocolate Chips

                       Mom's Muruku                     

                                                                        Tart Gulung

Those yg balik kampung please drive safe ok. Jangan lupa tunaikan kewajipan utk membayar Zakat Fitrah. Hmmm, what else? Jangan membazir sb masih ada ramai lagi saudara seislam kita yg dlm kesusahan. Sama2lah kita berdoa semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan.

Utk ahli keluarga dan kenalan MH17 & MH370, I nak ucapkan salam takziah.
Moga Allah tempatkan mereka di kalangan org2 yg beriman (for muslim), and Rest In Peace (for non muslim).

May Allah bless each and everyone of us!

Tahun lepas beraya dgn status single.
Tahun ni beraya dgn status engaged.
Mudah2han tahun dpn beraya dgn status married.


Salam Ramadhan and Salam Syawal Readers!

Maaf Zahir dan Batin.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Night To Remember : The Proposal

I am not sure how to tell you this because I’m still in mood that I-couldn’t-believe-that-it’s-finally-going-to-happen state. I hope this isn’t just a dream, kadang-kadang rasa nak tampar and cubit diri sendiri to ensure that I'm not dreaming!

Breath in Breath out! (ulang banyak kali sampai pengsan)

Well, some of you have probably experienced this and to be honest I never imagine something like this! Nevah! Kalau ada pun just berangan-angan mcm dalam drama or telenovela cinta. I’m so realistic, I know our story in life is written by Allah not by Writer so definitely kita kena terima apa sahaja suratan yang telah termaktub utk kita kan? *positive thinking*

Here goes, 'The Proposal' Heeee, A Night To Remember For Me, Opss! For Us! *blushing*
Perhaps, it’s nothing really out-of-the-ordinary kind of proposal as some of you might had something better, but it was something sweet or too sweet, something that I nerver imagine (but I wish) and something awesome (at least to me). 

*close my eyes and recall back the moment* 

It was on the 28th May 2014. We went to Putrajaya after work and he fetched me all the way from Damansara to KLCC and we went to Putrajaya. The weather was not that good because of the rain and traffic as expected was congested on that day. Nothing on my mind, as he told me a day before that he wanted to bring me for dinner with his mummy and lil sister at Puchong (reservation was at 8.30pm which I rasa a bit late and I feel pity him to send me back home after dinner and patah balik. Haih~). In the car he told me that we need to fetch his sister at Putrajaya Mosque after maghrib and then fetch his mom at home and then barulah heading to the restaurant. That’s why the reservation is at 8.30pm (I felt weird because he  is such a person yang tak suka lambat-lambat utk makan plus both of us usually jenis on-the-go punya person, fikir nak makan apa, order and terus makan. Jarang sekali nak buat reservation bagai tapi the statement buat I tak jadi nk argue apa-apa sb it make sense) He keep on telling me ‘I nak bawa you makan special sikit malam ni'. You've no idea how I bombarded him with tons of questions! hahaha. He answered me well so I followed him without suspecting anything.

Everything seemed normal until we reached Putrajaya Mosque, while waiting for azan he invited me to walk around near the cruise area and enjoy the sunset. Subhanallah, the scenery is beautiful. (I love sunset by the way). While looking at the lake, my eyes cannot stop stare at the Love Boat, it looks so romantic! ‘Bertuahnya kalau dapat duduk, makan (or tak makan pun takpe) sambil menikmati keindahan alam with someone special, sure awesome kan??’ *monolog dalam hati*  Auuwww! He look at me and asked 'hey sayang, are you ok?' and I just smile. *senyum sorang-sorang & berangan*

 Inilah Love Boat yang I nampak and I'm not expecting this boat is belong to us!

Then, I realized that we were heading straight to the counter instead of heading to the mosque which is the direction is obviously two different ways so I said, “Mosque at the back... Where are we going?” He said, “I want to check something and ensure everything is ready' I don't get him and still blur! He come to me and said 'Sayang, mummy and Syifa (his lil sister) cannot join us! Syifa send you a video to apologize! (he played the video) and I asked him, 'so what's the point we are here?? he replied dengan muka selamber 'No worries sayang, we're going to have a dinner there (he pointed at the lake) u remember I told you this dinner will be a special dinner? I’ve actually planned this with mommy and Syifa' and I was like *dangggg* 'u jangan main-main boleh tak? mana ada restaurant atas tasik?? can we go to the mosque now and pray first?  I’m so hungry okay!' Then, gently he looks at me and told me Sayang, can you see that boat?? (he pointed at the Love Boat yang I nampak tadi) he continued ‘this Love Boat belong to us tonight and we're going to have our dinner in it' I'm speechless! *my jaw dropped!* Tak tahu nak kata apa, terdiam seketika. 'Are you kidding me?' belum sempat dia jawab the person in charge led us to prayer room then asked us to wait at the waiting room after the prayer while waiting for the boat to be ready. Yes! I was so excited, rasa happy, rasa nk pengsan, rasa nak nangis and macam-macam rasa ada. But, mixed feeling for good! Alhamdulillah.

 The Waiting Room

The boat is ready! The food is served!

I saw something on the table beside the main course!
Guess what??? 

It's a slice of Chocolate Indulgence cakes from Secret Recipe.
I've been craving for it since few weeks ago but I put it on hold as no one to accompany me to eat the cake and finally I’m going to enjoy the cake with him!!! *love is in the air*

 The Love Boat! (He requested boat number 7 sebab 7 is my favorite number)

The Arrangement & Decoration *So Romantic*

 The Main Course & Dessert!

*pause and smiling*

Tak banyak conversation, both of us banyak diam, senyum, makan, diam, senyum, makan and the only words I can say is 'Thank You' (boleh kata most of the time I said thank you to him! lol! (I don’t care dia bosan dengar I cakap thank you all what but I really mean it!)

We really enjoy the food sebab masing-masing mmg dah lapar and lepas makan we had our dessert together! Frankly speaking, masa nak makan cake tu I was a lil bit curious, mana tahu dia letak cincin dalam tu silap-silap boleh mati tercekik I! hahaha. But nah?! He’s didn’t do that *thank God*

While eating the dessert, he suddenly said “We’ve know each other since 2010, and today we've been close to each other for 11 months..” I seriously thought he wanted to chat and start buka cerita kisah dulu-dulu mcm mana we know each other and suddenly getting close since last year sedangkan dah lama kenal (our fav topic all the time), so I interrupted him by saying, “kejup je masa berlalu kan? macam tak percaya boleh rapat dengan you....' tak sempat habis cakap and then all of a sudden, he became serious and looked straight into my eyes, and I was like oh-ohh *jantung mula berdegup kencang*.. and then he said, “Nazira Nawawi (he pronounce my full name anyway) will you marry me and be my wife?”. Oh my! Degupan jantung yang laju tadi tiba-tiba rasa mcm terhenti. Ring? (You might expecting him to kneel, show the ring and propose right? No! No! He not going to do that sebab I know him very well!! He always comes out with his own version. When I looked into his eyes I can feel the love and no doubt, I can feel he is the one. Auuuww! InshaAllah. (those yang dah lalui moment ni sure akan faham apa I rasa kan?).

I wasn’t sure whether to dance or jump up & down or shout hooraayyy (I wish I could) but instead I just smile! Haha. (dalam hati dah menjerit hip hippp hooorayyy sgt!) I know I should be crying or something because that was supposed to be a touching moment. And you must be thinking I am not a sentimental person, but I smile because I was so happy (I’m about to cry tapi tahan je) and I have been waiting for that moment for agesss! (every girls dreams of it!) I told him, “Of Course I Do!!!!!”

The Scenery

So that was the starting of it 'A Night To Remember'. It was like all of a sudden. Fyi, his family came to my house utk masuk merisik right after a few weeks I came back from my Umrah then after few meetings our family decided for us to get engage! (in three weeks times! and I'm counting days now!!!!!). My initial plan is not to engage, but when family decided I think it's something good. So why should I say No?? 
There’s so much preparations to do even its just for the engagement! I mean, of course there is, right? When involves two family’s event it's something yang kita kena buat betul-betul. I wonder how is it going for the Big Day?? Must be big preparation, big headache, big budget etc! (Not to forget big arguments especially with him!) LOL!

And speaking of preparations for the engagement, it’s all being taken care of, thanks to my lovely mommy sebab sabar melayan kerenah I (even sometimes bergaduh jugak la sebab tak sync, I want something yg simple & well organize but she want something yg nampak mcm simple tp complex. well, biasalah katapun mak kan??), to my brother & my dad and also to my future fiancé and his family.*future fiancé?? Oh my!!! Mcm tak percaya. *blushing i* Oh ya, I'm going to the decoration for my hantaran, so wish me luck ok!

I hope everything will go well as planned, InsyaAllah. 
Now I just need to find some time to pamper myself, I should go for facials and massage and dental treatment (I'm still wearing my braces on that day). (wah! Berangan nak buat semua macamlah ada banyak masa) heee! But, if ada free time why not kan??? 

OMG… I’m getting engaged, people!!! 
I never imagine that someone really can make me fall in love!
Yes, I'm in love!!!

Thank you Allah for everything and Thank you Sayang for always be with me!
Mohon doakan yang terbaik utk I ok.

Notes : 

Harini 7 June 2014.
* Genap berusia 27 tahun 5 bulan. 
* Another 7 Days to go before the EDay! 
Ok, I wanna spend moreee time with Me, MySelf & I!
Oh my! Rasa macam tak percaya I'm going to end my single status! (after this masih single tapi not available). *wink*

Till later!

With Love,

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Healthy Breakfast by Health Freak!

If there’s one meal that I would never skip, it would definitely be breakfast. I don’t know about you, but for me breakfast sangatlah penting. Salah satu tips utk maintain berat badan adalah dengan pengambilan breakfast yang healthy dan consistent. Kalau boleh jangan sesekali skip breakfast. Never!

Well, for me breakfast tak semestinya kena makan nasi lemak, roti canai, mee goreng, kuih muih etc. That is so called Malaysian style breakfast yang tak berapa nak healthy atau dari erti kata lain mmg tak healthy pun. Yes, tak salah nak makan but not everyday. Masih banyak lagi makanan yang boleh kita makan diwaktu pagi. For me, bila kita bgn pagi perut kita meronta2 mahukan makanan. Jadi, utk menjalankan tanggungjawab  pada tubuh badan, we should feed our body with something healthy. It can be salad, eggs, fruits, juices or anything as long as healthy. Bukan kena makan every meals pun, just emphasize for breakfast only. Do remember, bila perut kosong badan mudah absorb nutrition/vitamin dari sarapan healthy yang kita makan.

So, mcm nazz every morning nazz akan ensure nazz ambil breakfast. Mostly nazz akan buat smooties or protein shake sb nazz prefer liquid. Just blend and minum je terus, senang, cepat, kenyang. lol! Let me share with you my on the go breakfast! Enjoy!!

So people, don't skip you breakfast okay! No and never! Anyway, for those yang nk follow nazz boleh follow dkt IG NaziraNawawi or #HealthyMealsByNN #HealthyDrinksByNN

All the best!



Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rindukan Dunia Blogging

harini, entah datang wahyu dari mana tiba-tiba tergerak hati untuk membuka laman blog yang dah lama tidak di update. boleh kata sudah hampir setahun lamanya. #kejupjedahmay2014

bukan tiada cerita, bukan tiada masa..
tapi i tak tahu nak mula dari mana bila terlalu banyak perkara yang terjadi dalam satu masa.
kadang-kadang apa yang kita lalui tidak mudah untuk diluahkan melalui kata-kata. 
jadi, berdiam itu mungkin lebih mudah, lebih ruang dan lebih tenang.
apa yang pasti, diri ini masih rindukan saat menjadi seorang blogger. saat berkongsi apa sahaja di laman blog ini.

perkara pertama yang perlu dilakukan adalah memadam entri-entri dan gambar-gambar lama. #easysaidthatdone hmmm bukan tak sudi utk berkongsi kisah lama tapi memandangkan "aku yang dulu bukanlah yang sekarang" so lebih baik simpan kenangan lalu jauh dalam sudut hati kerana apa yang pasti hari yang i lalui kini jauh lebih baik dari dulu.


terima kasih ya Allah atas kehidupan ini.

aku bersyukur.



Thursday, July 25, 2013

How To Have Balanced Lifestyle?

You know that staying balanced is the key to a healthy, happy life.
But what does balance really mean?

When life is busy, or all your energy is focused on a special project, it's all too easy to find yourself off balance, not paying enough attention to important areas of your life. While you need to have drive and focus if you're going to get things done, taking this too far can lead to frustration and intense stress.

I think there are three components to a balanced life — your health habits, your relationships, and your career.

So, I would like to share with you on How To Have Balanced Lifestyle!


1. Get sufficient exercise.
Regular push ups, sit-ups, crunches, yoga, jogging or walking can help us to de-stress.

2. Get sufficient rest.
About eight hours of sleep helps the body repair itself. You may personally need more or less, as sleep requirements vary between people.

3. Eat healthier.
Look at food pyramid, then try balancing your calory intake with your exercise. There are several competing food pyramids, so pick one or two because following all of them would be too hard.

4. Find time to relax.
Just lie down and think about what you did before you started relaxing. Think positive thoughts or take up a relaxing hobby like sitting or sleeping. 

5. Pick a hobby that you enjoy.
Hobbies can counter daily stress. Unless the hobby is stressful, like base-jumping or self-mutilation. You could try collecting something that you like.  


1. Plan out your day, and set goals.
But don't stress out if you don't accomplish everything just the way you planned. Remain flexible and try different approaches to your goals. Remember, sometimes life happens, and you may not have time for everything. Just be productive in the time you have. 

2. Write but keep it positive.
No negative thoughts. If you have negative thoughts, do not write them down. Find someone you can vent negative thoughts to pretending to be happy all the time will do no good for you in the long run.

3. Find out and develop your talents.
Go out and do activities to find what you like and then pursue the one or two that strike your fancy. If you do three of them that will be too stressful. 

4. Keep a diary or journal.
This would be a good place to write things. But remember, no negative thoughts. 

5. Read.
Reading can help you to enhance your knowledge and imagination skills.

6. Try to set goals that are reasonable to achieve.
Unreasonable goals are harder and will probably just lead to disappointment.


1. Pray effectively 

2. Communicate with nature.
Go outside, hike, go camping, or have fishing trip. You may find yourself doing most of the talking.

3. If you are religious, study the Qu'ran. 
Learn about Heaven, Muhammad etc.


1. Do a good deed for other people. 

2. Cooperate with other people that you meet.

3. Listen to other people.
There is difference between just hearing the words and actually paying attention and listening to them. 

4. Synergize mutually advantageous compatibility of elements, resources or efforts.


1. Get a good education.
To get a good self-supporting job, master the skills necessary for your advancement. That way you will not be dependent upon anyone else. 

2. The job has to be the one you love.
"Love it or leave it" 

3. Money is not that important.
Happiness is the most important thing. Remember people on Forbes 100 are no happier than average people.

Have an awesome day readers!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dessert oh Dessert


Selalunya dimakan selepas main course, am i right?
but for me anytime pun boleh makan,
especially kalau time stress or period! mmg heaven to the max..!!! (^_^)
I'm not kind of person yang wajib ada dessert selepas makan, but once a while bila datang wahyu dessert ni mulalah mencari apa yang terbayang di fikiran..

Okay, so i nak share few dessert yang i paling suka, dan yang paling best ia mampu memberi kenikmatan yang maksimum! hehehe..

Chocolate Indulgence @ Secret Recipe..
i rasa nie cake paling common and semua orang pasti suka..
Sedap, Murah and Senang (SMS) nak dapat sbb SR is everywhere..

Daim Cake @ Ikea
Hmm, makan cake nie teus jadi speechless..
sbb? S.E.D.A.P!! rasa chocolate crunchy + caramel..
but kalau mengidam Daim Cake kena rajin2'n diri pg Ikea, dan gigih mengharungi jalan jem=)

Tiramisu @ Italiannies
how to describe this cake?
i looikeee sbb dia tak rasa chocolate sangat. just nice=)

Molten Chocolate Cake @ Chili's
wow! this cake super yummy..
100% melt with chocolate,
i prefer share rather than makan sorang2..

Pavlova @ Alexis
this is totally different coz non chocolate based..
more to butter + vanila + fruity..
yang paling best is pavlova sgt crispy and crunchy kat bahagian luar
but soft and moist kat bahagian dalam.. yummy~

so people? how about your dessert? share it with me..
